Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crazy, nuts, mental!!!

im outta my tree!! lol no not really, im doing really really well, which is great!

so well infact that i have a couple of 'job' opportunities come my way, and im going to pounce! the job that i can tell you about is Tupperware, im going to rejoin Tupperware after 3 years of being out of it, and im gunna work it baby! yeah! i go to a meeting tonight and i will hopefully join up there. it will give me something to do, earn a bit of money, get some nice products and meet new people, so i am looking forward to it, i will just cruise with it, see where it takes me and go from there.

My mouth is all healed from the trauma it got put through a few weeks ago, the kids are good, im stable, what more is there to ask for :)

Im totally loving the Olympics (when i get a chance to watch it), i love watching the athletes and i dream of a body like theirs! its just awesome

ive been sewing up a storm, so as a result i have some more nappies for sale on TradeMe, TM search 'Jellybabies' and they will all come up

thats all from me for now, take care :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dental Drama

yep i look like a chipmunk, so my husband lovingly told me when i woke up Sunday morning, and ohhhh the pain i was in! not fun! so the emergancy dentist was called, the kids got babysat and off we went to the Murder House, i was scared, actually i was petrified, not only do i hate needles, but i hate the BO that some dentists have, and of course they like to lift their arms over your face peeeeuuuuuuuu!

fortunatly this dentist didnt have BO, unfortunatly he had a passion for needles, fortunatly he used numbing gel first, unfortunatly it didnt bloody work! yeeoooowww! the tears sprung to my eyes, the noises escaped from my throat, it wasnt a nice experiance

then the draining began.... i wont go into detail cos it was totally discusting.

then the big talk, do we extract the tooth? or try to save it? lets just say cost was a factor, we are talking $180 to extract or over $2000 to save it, that kinda money we DONT have, and as it was a back tooth thats not seen, well we said byebye to it

"you may feel a little pressure" said Mr Dentist, ahhhh you THINK? OH MY GOD OWWWWWWWWWW!!!! i NEVER want to do that again, it hurt like a banshee bitch! but out the tooth came, ugly looking mofo it was too! all long and gangly looking, i kinda wish i got a pxt of it, just as a reminder of the pain i went through to get it pulled out!

then with a script of painkillers and some antibiotics i was sent home, ohhhh my, the pain, i went all sooky lala and cried and cried, it really wasnt fun! but once the painkillers kicked in, ohhhh heaven, it was just wonderful, i couldnt feel a thing.

lets just say i will never leave it this long to go to the dentist again

Lesson learnt!!!!

My first attempt and dying wool

Step 1: soak the wool in some warm water and white vinegar, ive got no idea how much, i just tipped the bottle in the sink full of water!

step 2: mix the dye, well this was fun, i had NO idea how much dye to use to how much water, and even if i should of added vinegar to the mix, so i did anyway, made some pretty colours in the water! i used boiling water to dilute the dye, again no idea if i was meant to, but trial and error is a good thing!

step 3: add the wool to the dye, hmmmm where does this blue come from when im dying purple and pink.... oh thank god its gone the right colour, or has it? ive left it for 10 minutes, all the dye has come out of the water, the water is now blue..... this blue colour keeps cropping up, i dunno what ive done wrong there!

step 4: rinse, rinse, rinse, well i think thats what your meant to do..... and yay the colour stays in the wool!

step 5: hang and dry, note to self: remove all objects of clothing underneith the clothing airer because the dye drips.... oops!

yay, ive dyed wool!!

now im too scared to wash it incase the dye all runs!! the purples not as purple as i would like, but the pink is really funky, and i know some different ways to do it next time, so i will give it a go again! well... one day.... maybe......

Monday, August 4, 2008

This is me

Yeap another new blog, my old blog was i felt it was time to start afresh, time for a change, time to show people who i am and what i do.

so who am i? im Carla, 26, mother of 2, wife of 1, daughter, Aunty, Sister, Friend, you name it, its me :) i suffer from this really cool illness called BiPolar (2) means i have lovely Hypermanic highs, and terrible lows, but with the help of some wicked medication im pretty stable and generally a happy ol thing :)
ive turned into a bit of a hippy really, its kinda just happened, i babywear, i use cloth nappies, i breastfeed, i recycle, its all turned into a bit of an obsession, and i actually enjoy it!

my kids are my life, everything i do i do it for them (yeah... start singing, go on i know you wanna!) Kaylee is 4, determined, stubborn, beautiful, bright, cheerful, funny and Olivia is 21 months, again has my stubborn streak, shes gorgeous, happy, bubbly, hilarious.

my hobbies, i have a few :) i knit, i sew, i scrapbook, oh my gosh i even dyed wool the other day! pics to follow.

i have some amazing friends, but always have room for more, i meet new people all the time and just love being social with a few wines! (so if you wanna come over for a wine, your more than welcome! always got a bottle in the fridge!!!!)

so sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride :)